Apple updates Maps

For years, since the launch of Apple Maps, Google has had the lead in the mapping world. For the last few years Apple has been hard at work on improving its map offering and adding features in a bid to catch Google. Apple’s just took another step forward. One of many announcements coming out of its developer conference was that Apple is adding support for indoor locations.

Google and Bing also have support for indoor locations, so this is mostly Apple catching up to its rivals. However, while Google has the clear lead, Bing only supports select indoor location at present.

As for indoor support, Apple Maps now has the floor plans and store information, directories of stores and the ability to browse shopping malls and airports. The launch will cover locations in the following cities: Boston, Chicago, Hong Kong, San Francisco, Tokyo, San Jose, Philadelphia, New York, Washington DC, London and Los Angeles. Apple expects to add hundreds more locations per month. In terms of Airports, Dubai, Geneva, Amsterdam, Vancouver, London are the initial international airports, with several domestic airports.

The difference between interfaces is noticeable. In the old interface, you see the main building with the occasional store placed inside the main building. With the new interface, there is a detailed breakdown of the mall with each store area on the map.

Apple is improving its Maps little by little, although at this current pace it will not catch up to Google Maps any time soon.

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